Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Scratch Card

Funny how memories are like scratch cards, you don't know what's underneath until you start scratching. You don't always get the right numbers and sure as heaven it isn't gonna make you smile every time you scratch it.

Sat down today recalling the year that is just about to end. There were the happy moments the ones that makes you feel the butterflies. But mostly what i saw was all my indecisiveness, me playing it safe coz i was burned before. Learning from my mistakes I guess. But is that good enough, playing it safe?

Well I kinda sucked this past year and yup it isn't "Good Enough". But what the heck, there is a small difference between scratch cards and memories. You can't buy them of a shelf at the lottery shop down the road; you make them. So am off to single handedly screw up my coming year in ways I don't know yet and am gonna have fun doing it.


kimba said...

:) that's a resolution worth making. u write pretty well. like the suspense n all.

shouldifollow said...

Now that's a mighty compliment :) So- Thank you. And the resolution has been working out down to a tittle. :D

Cassie said...

It's a cute thing that you've compared scratch card with your memories.. I've never thought of it that way, but now, I will.


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